חפש בבלוג זה

‏הצגת רשומות עם תוויות entreprenuer. הצג את כל הרשומות
‏הצגת רשומות עם תוויות entreprenuer. הצג את כל הרשומות

יום שישי, 8 באפריל 2011

Stop blaming the system – start playing the Game!

Many young entrepreneurs enter the world of business loaded with dreams: independence, wealth, power etc.
But they soon face reality, and reality is this – when you're the boss, secretary, account manager and (most important) – the salesman, well you need to work harder and to exceed in your actions – or else, give up your dreams.

Now, regarding the finance and organization of your business – you can find help or outsource, but selling – unfortunately, that's un-outsourced.
Why? Because you are the only one how knows your business, knows how are your clients and most important of all – how you can help them.

So, what are you so afraid of? Failure? Rejection? Disappointment? 
If so – then entrepreneurship isn't for you. And if your not afraid – well start selling – if you don't know how to do it, just keep on reading.